var dateformat = "MM/dd/yyyy"; var timeformat = "hh:mm tt"; var datepickerformat = "mm/dd/yy"; var env_portal_mode = "window"; var handheldmode = false; $(document).ready(function () { if (!bgSize) location.href = "/Layout/Messages/Legacy"; // set focus to the element that has a class name of .focus $('.focus').focus(); }); function SwitchElementViews(showview, hideview, isBlock) { var block = true; if (isBlock === false) block = false; // show the view if (showview) { $(showview).removeClass('hide'); $(showview).addClass(block ? 'show' : 'show-ib'); } // hide the view if (hideview) { $(hideview).removeClass(block ? 'show' : 'show-ib'); $(hideview).addClass('hide'); } } function ToggleElementViews(view1, view2, forcedirective) { // 'forcedirective', if true, means we want to force the position hide/show elements var force = forcedirective || false; // view 1 if (view1 !== null) { if (force) $(view1).addClass("hide"); else { if (":visible")) { $(view1).addClass("hide"); } else { $(view1).removeClass("hide"); } } } // view 2 if (view2 !== null) { if (force) $(view2).removeClass("hide"); else { if (":visible")) { $(view2).addClass("hide"); } else { $(view2).removeClass("hide"); } } } } function ToggleHide(div) { // show hide if it isn't there if ($('#' + div).hasClass('hide')) $('#' + div).removeClass('hide'); else $('#' + div).addClass('hide'); } function ToggleDisable(ele, sel) { // show hide if it isn't there if ($('#' + ele).attr('disabled')) $('#' + ele).removeAttr('disabled'); else { if (sel !== null) $('#' + ele + ' option').eq(sel).prop('selected', true); $('#' + ele).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } } function AjaxDropDown(sourceid, destinationid, posturl, empty_message) { var source_val = $("#" + sourceid).val(); if (source_val === null || source_val === "") source_val = "-1"; var ddl_destination = $('#' + destinationid); ddl_destination.empty(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: posturl, data: { id: source_val }, success: function (returndata) { if (returndata.ok) { if ( === 0) { ddl_destination.attr("disabled", true); ddl_destination.addClass("disabled"); ddl_destination.append($('').val("").html(empty_message)); } else { if (empty_message !== null) ddl_destination.append($('').val("").html(empty_message)); ddl_destination.attr("disabled", false); ddl_destination.removeClass("disabled"); $.each(, function (index, itemData) { ddl_destination.append($('').val(itemData.ID).html(itemData.Name)); }); }'slow'); } else window.alert(' error : ' + returndata.message); } }); } function DisplayNotifyMessage(message, duration) { var d = duration || 0; var m = message || "There is no message associated with this trigger. Please use DisplayNotifyMessage(\"My Message\")"; $("#env-notify p").html(m); $("#env-notify").addClass("open"); if (d) { if (typeof notifyto !== "undefined") clearTimeout(notifyto); notifyto = setTimeout(function () { $("#env-notify").removeClass("open"); }, d); } } function DisplayWarningMessage(message, duration) { var d = duration || 0; var m = message || "There is no message associated with this trigger. Please use DisplayNotifyMessage(\"My Message\")"; $("#env-warning p").html(m); $("#env-warning").addClass("open"); if (d) { if (typeof warningto !== "undefined") clearTimeout(warningto); warningto = setTimeout(function () { $("#env-warning").removeClass("open"); }, d); } } function PagerClick(partial, url, page) { $(partial).load(url, { index: page }); } function AddLoadingMessage(container, message) { var m = message || "LOADING"; if (container instanceof jQuery) container.html("
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